
Journey of The Lost Souls (JoTLS), 2013

Journey of The Lost Souls (JoTLS), 2013

Author(s): Marc M. Graham
  • Type: Book
  • Researcher: Other Researchers
  • Timeline: 2010s
  • Affiliation: Alum

About the Book

Journey of The Lost Souls (JoTLS) is a collection of raps and poetry, detailing the African-American male experience from the author's point of view. The works are mostly fictional narratives of situations and mini-biographies inspired by the life of the author and associates. The author is an African-American male who was raised in an inner-city single parent home. He endured many early hardships, but went on to receive a bachelors, masters, and doctorate from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in mechanical engineering. The works are arranged such that the order of events follows a pattern similar to the author's experiences. The book is inspirational, demonstrating how it is possible to overcome struggles and build a prosperous future. JoTLS is accompanied by recordings of some of the lyrics to music, which can be purchased separately.


About the Author

Marc M. Graham '95, SM '97, PhD '08 earned Bachelors (1995), Masters (1997), and PhD (2008) degrees in Mechanical Engineering from MIT. Born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio, he is an educator who devotes significant time to teaching engineering design and product development process, as well as community outreach. For over a decade, Graham has taught engineering design in the STEM-education programs offered by the MIT Office of Engineering Outreach Programs (MIT OEOP): Saturday Engineering Enrichment & Development Academy (SEED Academy), Minority Introduction To Engineering & Science (MITES), Engineering Experience at MIT (E2@MIT), and MIT Online Science, Technology and Engineering Community (MOSTEC). Graham is currently Engineering Manager at Gener8 in Boston. He has served as Black Graduate Celebration Chair for the Black Alumni/ae of MIT (BAMIT).


READ MORE: "Rapping it Up," MIT News, 3 May 2004


Graham, Marc M. Journey of The Lost Souls (JoTLS). CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2013.