Colourism – An interview with Beatriz Cantada and Natalie Petit (2021)
Inspired by current events and Professor Akousa Adomako Ampofos Cutting Edge lecture on decolonizing academia, Beatriz Cantada (Equity, Inclusion and Community Engagement Leader at MIT) and Natalie Petit (Assistant Director of Undergraduate Education in the MIT Sloan School of Management and 2021 MIT MLK Leadership Awardee) deconstruct colorism and the ways in which it operates in social movements and community-building. 18 March 2021
Growing up I didn’t use the word Colorism, we just said oh you’re lighter darker skinned.
Beatriz Cantada
Let’s not wait for another Tsunami like George Floyd when we could have just handled the rip tides [] avoid the aftershocks.”
Natalie Petit