BCAP Fellows: Melissa Isidor and Danielle Geathers, 2020

Melissa Isidor 'G (l.) and Danielle Geathers ’22, March 2020.
Each year, the [BAMIT Community Advancement Program (BCAP) Fund] will support at least one MIT undergraduate and/or graduate student in the pursuit of a proposed project, advised by an MIT alumnus/a mentor, that addresses a specific challenge in an underserved community of color. During MIT’s Independent Activities Period in January [2020], the first two BCAP fellows, Danielle Geathers ’22 and graduate student Melissa Isidor, kicked off their projects.
Mechanical engineering student Geathers, this year’s undergraduate recipient of BCAP funding, conceived her project during research for a gender studies class. Reviewing data about MIT’s increased numbers of female admitted and matriculated students, she noticed that African-American female students remain significantly underrepresented in the applicant pools.
At the grad student level, Isidor is using the BCAP funding for an ongoing project called A Voice at the Table, through which she is exploring the importance of community spaces where “all who identify as Black womxn” (terminology used to be inclusive of a spectrum of gender identities such as woman, nonbinary, and trans) “can feel safe both physically and emotionally.”Slice of MIT, 11 March 2020