This report examines the racial climate on the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) campus and makes a series of recommendations for improvements in several areas. It reveals evidence of racial and other problems on the MIT campus through information gained in two surveys: The 1984 Quality of Student Life Survey, and the 1985 Black Alumni Survey. Among the areas discussed are the following: (1) an overview of the survey's findings; (2) the confidence, preparation, and adjustment experienced by black students; (3) perspectives of the living group experience of black students; (4) perspectives on the learning environment; (5) support programs for black students; and (6) general observations of the black experience on campus. The report also explains some of the actions taken, or that are being planned, by the Minority Student Issues Group (MSIG) and MIT. Finally, recommendations are presented covering the areas of equal opportunity responsibility, the hiring of minority faculty, and promotion of pluralism. Appendices include the chronology of the MSIG organization, the response demographics of the 1984 Quality of Student Life Questionnaire, and methods and sample information of the 1985 Black Alumni Survey Instrument.
McBay, Shirley M. The Racial Climate on the MIT Campus: A Report of the Minority Student Issues Group. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, 1986, 46 pgs.