"Historically Black Colleges and Universities Facing the Future: A Fresh Look at Challenges and Opportunities" reviews the status of historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) and assesses their mission in light of the changing nature of higher education and the new challenges that HBCUs and other higher education institutions must address. It is based on extensive discussions with HBCU presidents and chancellors, campus visits, and reviews of documents and data.
About the Author
Dr. Phillip L. Clay, MIT Professor of City Planning, produced this working paper while serving as a senior fellow at the Ford Foundation in 2011-2012. Dr. Clay served as MIT Chancellor from 2001 to 2011), and is former Head of the Department of Urban Studies and Planning, the first black professor to head any department at MIT.
Clay, Phillip L. "Historically Black Colleges and Universities Facing the Future: A Fresh Look at Challenges and Opportunities." Ford Foundation, September 2012.