
CyPhrons: Code of the Realm, 2011

CyPhrons: Code of the Realm, 2011

Author(s): Robert L. Dunbar
  • Type: Book
  • Researcher: Other Researchers
  • Timeline: 2010s
  • Affiliation: Alum

About the Book

CyPhrons: Code of the Realm is an exciting sci-fi fantasy about hope, faith, and perseverance. CyPhrons are virtual beings living within a string of infinite Networmls called the Realm. A reconnaissance CyPheron called Virtual-X is formed to bring order and balance into this new nano-scaled super-secret-cipher-society to represent The Power That Is. Their mission is to recover, preserve, and decipher the Remnant – the legendary reference to a mysterious code. Its origins are shrouded by a covenant created during the Time of the Earth. Why should you be excited? CyPhrons is a twelve-part anime inspired sci-fi saga written, illustrated, and narrated to capture the imagination as you have never seen before. "Code of the Realm" is the second book of this series revealing the cyphronic heroics of an international cast of characters. Instead of pretending to be an avatar, you are a cyphron traversing within the Realm. Networmls are the new worm holes, the new warp, the new matrix, the new magic, a new universe, a new code, and a new reality! Feel the Pulse! CyPhrons are waiting! 

About the Author

Robert L. Dunbar, Digital Humanities Producer for the MIT History Project, is a Systems Support Specialist at Arnold & Porter. Dunbar is a writer in several genres, including science fiction, screen writing, composition, fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and blogging. Dunbar has studied at MIT and is a graduate of Brandeis University with Bachelor of Arts degrees in African and African-American Studies and in American Studies.

Dunbar, Robert L. CyPhrons: Code of the Realm. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2011.