About the Book
Crazy Enough To Try is a book written for those of us looking to incorporate our passions into our lives. Whether we find passion in our careers, our hobbies, our religion, or elsewhere, we're looking for something that calls to us, pulls us out of bed in the morning, and gets us excited for the day ahead.
Discussions around passion are often filled with platitudes and quick one-liners like, “Follow your passion and you’ll never work a day in your life,” or advice like “Give up on your crazy dreams and find a real job.”
That’s not this book. This book is about learning what passion really means to you, and how to realistically apply your passions in a way that works for you.
In this second edition, Crazy Enough To Try goes even further than the original, adding an additional four interviews for a total of ten full-length interviews with extremely passionate people to answer four key questions:
1. What is passion to you?
2. What are you passionate about?
3. How did you get to where you are in your journey?
4. How could someone else figure out his or her own passions?
These thought-provoking conversations are retold, each with radically different paths, each with ideas on what passion is, and how each person is incorporating passion into their life. From a twenty-something world traveler to a middle-aged executive, Crazy Enough To Try is filled with successes and failures from all walks of life.
About the Author
Ryan K. Bonaparte '09 was born and raised on Long Island, New York, and was captivated by science and technology at a young age. He earned an SB in Materials Science and Engineering from MIT and an MS in the same at Columbia University.
Bonaparte, Ryan K. Crazy Enough To Try: Conversations in my search to live a passionate life. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2015.