nystrong: Kristen, 2020 View this post on Instagram Kristen, MIT sophomore college student 1/2: Back in March,All MIT undergrads were given a week to move off-campus Now, only seniors and a few exceptions are back on campus. It is disappointing not to be on campus, but I know MIT is doing its best to protect students and faculty. I am hoping for a return of all of us in the spring. I have not seen any of my friends in New York because I want to avoid putting my parents at risk. I am glad that New York is taking strong measures in the fight against Covid-19 and that most people here are wearing masks. I hope that more people across the country begin wearing masks for the general good of the public. I know that things currently look bleak, but I'm still holding out hope that we can bring the situation in the country under control. I had a productive summer, even if a lonely one, doing a remote internship with Xerox and tutoring on zoom, to help cover some of my tuition costs. I am interacting almost solely with my family. I really miss having in-person connections with friends, faculty, and acquaintances on campus. At college, conversations can happen organically as you pass people in your dorm or randomly in a hallway. Now, most of my conversations feel deliberate and scheduled. Talking to people over Zoom quickly gets draining and doesn't feel as intimate as having face-to-face conversations. However, I am still grateful that I can see people's faces so that I feel a bit more connected to the different communities I'm a part of. #Newyork #Boston #MIT #college #pandemic #newnormal #zoom #remotelearning #distancelearning #mask #covid19 #portrait #blackandwhite #nystrong A post shared by @ ny.strong on Sep 15, 2020 at 12:27pm PDT View this post on Instagram Kristen, MIT sophomore college student 2/2: When the White House tried to ban international students from studying remotely in the US, many of my friends at MIT were frightened of what was going to happen to them since remote learning was their only option. The president of MIT, being himself an immigrant from South America, was able to help fight this decision. He has always taken a strong stance on immigration rights and has also fought for DACA in the past. I am pleased that both MIT and Harvard’s presidents were able to help get this decision reversed. Regarding the current racial climate, I am glad that conversations are being had about the role of race and racism in American society. Even here in New York City, which is considered a very liberal place, there is a lot of subtle, institutionalized racism that people do not address. I am happy that the Black Lives Matter movement is coming back. However, I wish that the media's focus was being put more on the peaceful aspect of it rather than the violence perpetrated by a smaller subset of the movement. I hope that BLM stays strong and does not fizzle out as we have seen in the past. If the pressure keeps up, I believe that lasting changes can be implemented. I recently turned 19, so this is the first presidential election I will be able to vote in. I am so glad I can do so, and I'm excited to use my voice and my vote to speak out against the injustices that exist in America. #Newyork #Boston #MIT #Harvard #WhiteHouse #Internationalstudents #ban #visa #DACA #pressure #power #college #pandemic #newnormal #zoom #remotelearning #distancelearning #BLM #protest #racism #peaceful #change #VOTE #portrait #blackandwhite #nystrong A post shared by @ ny.strong on Sep 15, 2020 at 12:31pm PDT Kristen '22, MIT sophomore college student, via Instagram @ny.strong, 16 September 2020 Timeline: 2020s Career: Community Object: Social media Collection: Activism, COVID-19, Rising Voices 1995-Present, Students External Link: https://www.instagram.com/p/CFKzyh2j9QC/