Humans of MIT: Kojo Acquah, 2014

Kojo Acquah on the steps of the Student Center, 2014
I was really, really interested in taking pictures of people putting on performances. Sort of like arts and culture, driven by people in particular. It was interesting because I'd never really photographed people before, and I'd only taken pictures of landscapes and nature. It's very different. People make things very dynamic and interesting. And people are spontaneous. In photography there's a big time element. You have to watch things closely because you'll see something interesting for literally a split second or maybe a particular pose, or motion, or dance, or even just an expression a person makes when they're just talking to you. And so you can capture that for a split second and then save it forever.
Kojo Acquah '14, MNG '15, 15 March 2014
In 2014, four MIT students created Humans of MIT, a Facebook portrait-blog inspired by Brandon Stanton's Humans of New York, that captures life in the MIT community through a single photo and the subject’s own words.